Tips To Get Cheap Florida Auto Insurance

Like most states, Florida has a variety of rules and regulations when it comes to auto insurance. Regulators aim some toward the insurance company and others toward the drivers. This paper will examine the ins and outs of finding cheap Florida auto insurance for the driver. Below are some common questions and their follow-up answers to help inform you if you plan to move to Florida. If you are looking for a cheap Florida auto insurance quote, visit and get one from every insurance company.
Does Everyone In Florida Need Auto Insurance?
The short answer is yes. You will need auto insurance if you have a vehicle with at least four wheels and the owner registers it in Florida. This requirement is Florida law, and everyone needs to follow it.
Do I Have To Buy A Certain Amount, Or Can I Get Minimal Coverage?
Florida does have a minimum requirement when it comes to insurance. The registered driver must have a minimum coverage of $10,000 for personal injury and property damage coverage. You can find different deductibles for this coverage, but remember that these will also affect your premium.
What If I Drive A Cab? Are There Requirements For Me Too?
Yes. You must be covered even if the only car you drive in Florida is a cab or taxi. The amount of coverage required is even more than for a standard driver. You must carry $50,000 coverage for property damage insurance. However, in terms of personal injury, you must have at least $125,000 per person and $250,000 per occurrence of an accident.
What If I Don’t Have Coverage?
If you do not have coverage in Florida, the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles may suspend your driving privileges. This suspension will include your plates and the registration of your vehicle. They can hold this suspension for up to three years or until you can provide the proper paperwork and proof that you have insurance and comply with Florida law.
Am I Okay If I Move To Florida And Have Insurance In My Old State?
Actually, no. If you are moving into Florida, you must still have the required amount of coverage issued to you from an insurance company licensed to sell insurance in Florida. Remember that most of your significant companies are licensed in most states, including Florida. Therefore, all you will have to do if you belong to any of these companies is have your local agent transfer your existing policy to a Florida agent once you are ready to register in Florida.
I hope this helps clear up some of your questions regarding cheap Florida auto insurance from Of course, if you have further questions, you can always contact your auto insurance agent or the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles.